Friday, June 26, 2009

Lightning strikes twice

I've noticed a pervasive cynical attitude when it comes to the subject of research+pharma funding.
A wheezing out of "follow the money" like Redford/Woodward's source in All the President's Men plays background.

Can't we all just show a little trust of these many committed academics and researchers?
These selfless individuals are dedicating their lives to making yours better/longer.

Well, apparently not.

In April the Institute of Medicine called on doctors to disclose funding sources in order to protect against conflict of interest.NEJM 360:2160-2163 May 21, 2009 # 21

And then there are those pesky Harvard med students protesting big pharma money influence on their education:
(Whoop, whoop. A protest I can get behind.) CONTAINS NO GOOD PICTURE CONTAINS ONE GOOD PICTURE

Now we have Senator Charles Grassely co-sponsoring a bill, the "Physician Payments Sunshine Act".
"According to Grassley, the American Medical Student Association had surveyed 149 medical schools, requesting their financial disclosure policies. Only 126 complied."
The senator wants to know why.
'"There's a lot of skepticism about financial relationships between doctors and drug companies," Grassley said in a statement. "Disclosure of those ties would help to build confidence that there's nothing to hide."'
From: Reuters Health Information US Senator Seeks Med Schools' Disclosure Policies

Good on you Mr. Grassely.

Sadly, the same Medscape page on which I found the senator's quotes had the link waaay down page.
While at the top under "Top Stories", Michael Jackson's death was link four.

Get it?
Michael Jackson is more important than research integrity.

Sure how it looks anyway.

To avoid any confusion, this is the now deceased Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) mentioned above:

And this is a picture of that other Michael Jackson:

Which brought more joy to the world?
You decide.

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